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بئر دكتور سمير رحماني

بئر دكتور سمير رحماني

Remaining amount

1,339.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED

مسجد غميلة راشد الكتبي

مسجد غميلة راشد الكتبي

Remaining amount

44,865.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED

Providing Mattresses For Orphans

Providing Mattresses For Orphans

Remaining amount

85.00 AED

Collected amount

45.00 AED

Student Package

Student Package

Remaining amount

1,153.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

A Brick Residence (2 Rooms)

A Brick Residence (2 Rooms)

Remaining amount

73,968.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

A Well With Hand Pump (10-20 Meters)

A Well With Hand Pump (10-20 Meters)

Remaining amount

8,040.00 AED

Collected amount

1,915.00 AED

Class Of 2025

Class Of 2025

Remaining amount

29,882.00 AED

Collected amount

1,034.00 AED

صدقة جارية للمرحوم مسعود مبارك العتيبة

صدقة جارية للمرحوم مسعود مبارك العتيبة

Remaining amount

2,562.00 AED

Collected amount

102.00 AED

بئر دكتور سمير رحماني

بئر دكتور سمير رحماني

A well with a hand pump, deep (33-35 metres), life span (5 years), benefiting 20 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

1,339.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED

مسجد غميلة راشد الكتبي

مسجد غميلة راشد الكتبي

Mosque 115 red brick chapels with zengi roof, concrete foundation, iron doors and aluminum windows + lighthouse + 2 speakers + mats + 2 bathrooms + 1 place for ablution + 7 lamps + 4 fans

Remaining amount

44,865.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED

Providing Mattresses For Orphans

Providing Mattresses For Orphans

Providing the purchase and ownership of bed mattresses, a bed robe, a pillow, and a light quilt for an orphan

Remaining amount

85.00 AED

Collected amount

45.00 AED

Student Package

Student Package

Providing all student supplies, including a school bag, school uniform, and paying tuition fees for one year

Remaining amount

1,153.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

A Brick Residence (2 Rooms)

A Brick Residence (2 Rooms)

Residence 2 rooms of red bricks with reinforced roof, concrete foundation, iron or wooden doors and windows 2 rooms + kitchen + 1 bathroom 15 lamps + furniture (bed, chair, gas stove, utensils) 80 sqm

Remaining amount

73,968.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

A Well With Hand Pump (10-20 Meters)

A Well With Hand Pump (10-20 Meters)

A well with a hand pump, deep (10-20 metres), lifespan (5-7 years), benefiting 150 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

8,040.00 AED

Collected amount

1,915.00 AED

Class Of 2025

Class Of 2025

Mosque 40 m², 70 red brick chapels with Zengi ceiling, concrete foundation, iron doors and aluminum windows + minaret + 2 speakers + mat mats + 1 bathroom + 1 place for ablution + 5 lamps + 2 fans

Remaining amount

29,882.00 AED

Collected amount

1,034.00 AED

صدقة جارية للمرحوم مسعود مبارك العتيبة

صدقة جارية للمرحوم مسعود مبارك العتيبة

Well with electric pump (15-20 metres) with manual water pump + electric water pump, life span 10-15 years, benefits one family

Remaining amount

2,562.00 AED

Collected amount

102.00 AED