وقف غسالة لأسرة فقيرة
Remaining amount
915.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )
Remaining amount
49,680.00 AED
Collected amount
420.00 AED
مشروع سقيا الماء
Remaining amount
400.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
توصيل مياه لمسجد
Remaining amount
1,540.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
المتوفي رحمه الله ....
Remaining amount
10,398.00 AED
Collected amount
2.00 AED
مسجد 42 متر مربع
Remaining amount
47,769.00 AED
Collected amount
1.00 AED
حقيبة مدرسية
Remaining amount
130.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
بئر بمضخه يدويه
Remaining amount
1,560.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
وقف غسالة لأسرة فقيرة
Washing machine, type (Fresh/Tornado), semi-automatic, size (7) kg, for a poor or needy family or an orphanage.
Remaining amount
915.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )
Residence 2 rooms of red brick with reinforced roof, concrete foundation, doors and windows of the forest and iron 2 rooms + kitchen + 1 bathroom + 11 lamps - 50 sqm
Remaining amount
49,680.00 AED
Collected amount
420.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
مشروع سقيا الماء
It consists of renting a water tank (once) with a capacity of 12000 liters and distributing it to poor areas that do not have drinking water for approximately 120 families.
Remaining amount
400.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
توصيل مياه لمسجد
Connecting water to a mosque by digging a well with an electric pump at a depth of (10-25 metres) and a water tank with a capacity of 1000 litres, life expectancy (3-5 years), Mosque users benefit from it
Remaining amount
1,540.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
المتوفي رحمه الله ....
A hand pump well with a depth of 20 meters, valid for 5 years, benefiting 300 people.
Remaining amount
10,398.00 AED
Collected amount
2.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
مسجد 42 متر مربع
A mosque made of bricks with a zinc roof that accommodates 65 worshipers, equipped with carpeting, two restrooms, an ablution area, a loudspeaker with a minaret, covering an area of 42 square meters
Remaining amount
47,769.00 AED
Collected amount
1.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
حقيبة مدرسية
Providing a school bag with stationery for a poor student
Remaining amount
130.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
بئر بمضخه يدويه
A well with a hand pump, deep (33-35 metres), life span (5 years), benefiting 20 beneficiaries.
Remaining amount
1,560.00 AED
Collected amount
0.00 AED
Please enter valid donation amount.
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