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Contribute to a project

ابو صقر

ابو صقر

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

توصيل مياه لمسجد

توصيل مياه لمسجد

Remaining amount

1,540.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد 49 متر مربع

مسجد 49 متر مربع

Remaining amount

42,699.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

مستوصف 3 غرفة

مستوصف 3 غرفة

Remaining amount

45,550.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

Mosque Of 61 Square Meters

Mosque Of 61 Square Meters

Remaining amount

47,199.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

نظارة طبية لضعاف البصر

نظارة طبية لضعاف البصر

Remaining amount

140.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

كساء العيد

كساء العيد

Remaining amount

40.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

وقف خزان ماء سعة 2000 لتر

وقف خزان ماء سعة 2000 لتر

Remaining amount

2,780.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

ابو صقر

ابو صقر

A well with a hand pump, deep (10-15 metres), life span (3 years), benefiting 350 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

توصيل مياه لمسجد

توصيل مياه لمسجد

Connecting water to a mosque by digging a well with an electric pump at a depth of (10-25 metres) and a water tank with a capacity of 1000 litres, life expectancy (3-5 years), Mosque users benefit from it

Remaining amount

1,540.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد 49 متر مربع

مسجد 49 متر مربع

Mosque made of red bricks and white bricks with a tiled roof, a concrete foundation, wooden doors and windows + 2 speakers + carpets + 2 bathrooms + 2 faucets for ablution + 25 Qurans with a cupboard + 2 fans + 9 LED lights

Remaining amount

42,699.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

مستوصف 3 غرفة

مستوصف 3 غرفة

Dispensary consisting of 3 rooms of cement bricks with zinc roof, concrete foundation, iron doors and windows + 2 bathrooms + 4 beds + 1 desk + 4 chairs + 5 fans + 5 lamps - 70 sqm

Remaining amount

45,550.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

Mosque Of 61 Square Meters

Mosque Of 61 Square Meters

Donate to build a mosque in India made of bricks with a reinforced roof. It can accommodate 80 worshippers. It contains carpets, fans, a minaret, a loudspeaker, a place for ablution and one bathroom, its area is 61 SM

Remaining amount

47,199.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

نظارة طبية لضعاف البصر

نظارة طبية لضعاف البصر

Providing a medical glasses for people with weak eyesight

Remaining amount

140.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

كساء العيد

كساء العيد

Dubai Charity Association aims to aid children before Eid Al-Fitr through an annual humanitarian project, in order to alleviate the burden on deserving and needy families. This helps bring joy to the hearts of their children and promotes social solidarity among members of the community.

Remaining amount

40.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

وقف خزان ماء سعة 2000 لتر

وقف خزان ماء سعة 2000 لتر

Providing a 2000-liter water tank for a poor family

Remaining amount

2,780.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED