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صدقة جارية عن فقيدتنا الغالية ناديه الجهني

صدقة جارية عن فقيدتنا الغالية ناديه الجهني

Remaining amount

398.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

مشروع سقيا الماء

مشروع سقيا الماء

Remaining amount

400.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED



Remaining amount

15.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )

Remaining amount

53,080.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد المرحوم محمد راشد الظاهري

مسجد المرحوم محمد راشد الظاهري

Remaining amount

42,800.00 AED

Collected amount

100.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

Remaining amount

1,560.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

بئر بمضخة يدوية

بئر بمضخة يدوية

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة ) لأسرة فقيرة

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة ) لأسرة فقيرة

Remaining amount

61,250.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

صدقة جارية عن فقيدتنا الغالية ناديه الجهني

صدقة جارية عن فقيدتنا الغالية ناديه الجهني

It consists of renting a water tank (once) with a capacity of 12000 liters and distributing it to poor areas that do not have drinking water for approximately 120 families.

Remaining amount

398.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

مشروع سقيا الماء

مشروع سقيا الماء

It consists of renting a water tank (once) with a capacity of 12000 liters and distributing it to poor areas that do not have drinking water for approximately 120 families.

Remaining amount

400.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED



The initiatie of the Dubai Charity Catering Association targets 100,000 meals at a million and a half dirhams, the value of the meal is 15 dirhams

Remaining amount

15.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

1 donar is donating 15.00 AED
سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة )

Residence consisting of 3 rooms of red bricks with Zengi ceiling and the foundation of bricks, doors and iron windows 3 rooms + kitchen + 1 bathroom - 40 m²

Remaining amount

53,080.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد المرحوم محمد راشد الظاهري

مسجد المرحوم محمد راشد الظاهري

A mosque that accommodates 120 worshippers, made of brick with a zinc roof, featuring a minaret, a loudspeaker, a mat flooring, and two bathrooms, with an area of 70 square meters

Remaining amount

42,800.00 AED

Collected amount

100.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

A well with a hand pump, deep (33-35 metres), life span (5 years), benefiting 20 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

1,560.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

بئر بمضخة يدوية

بئر بمضخة يدوية

A well with a hand pump, deep (10-15 metres), life span (3 years), benefiting 350 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة ) لأسرة فقيرة

سكن من الطابوق (2 غرفة ) لأسرة فقيرة

Housing for a poor family made of bricks with a zinc ceiling, consisting of 2 rooms, a hall, a bathroom and a kitchen - 81 square meters

Remaining amount

61,250.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED