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Contribute to a project

مسجد الرضا

مسجد الرضا

Remaining amount

82,109.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

مسجد البركة

مسجد البركة

Remaining amount

64,200.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

عملية عيون

عملية عيون

Remaining amount

1,200.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

زي مدرسي

زي مدرسي

Remaining amount

60.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد 56 متر مربع

مسجد 56 متر مربع

Remaining amount

37,250.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED



Remaining amount

91,689.00 AED

Collected amount

7,011.00 AED

عن اموات المسلمين جميع

عن اموات المسلمين جميع

Remaining amount

30,000.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

Remaining amount

1,560.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد الرضا

مسجد الرضا

Mosque 133 prayer rooms made of cement blocks with a reinforced roof, concrete foundation, iron doors and windows + a minaret + 2 speakers + carpets + 3 bathrooms + 15 jugs for ablution + 6 fans + 6 LED lights

Remaining amount

82,109.00 AED

Collected amount

1.00 AED

مسجد البركة

مسجد البركة

A mosque made of bricks with a zinc roof, it accommodates 160 worshipers and hosts Friday prayer. It contains carpet flooring, 50 copies of the Quran, fans, a loudspeaker with a minaret, in addition to 5 ablution areas and two bathrooms, with an area of 100 square meters

Remaining amount

64,200.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

عملية عيون

عملية عيون

Eye surgery (cataract removal from one eye)

Remaining amount

1,200.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

زي مدرسي

زي مدرسي

Contribute to providing a school uniform for a poor student to earn a reward from God

Remaining amount

60.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مسجد 56 متر مربع

مسجد 56 متر مربع

A mosque made of brick, with a zinc roof and a minaret, it can accommodate 90 worshipers. It has carpeted floors, two bathrooms, and an ablution area. The total area of the mosque is 56 square meters.

Remaining amount

37,250.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED



An orphanage for 20 orphans made of bricks with a reinforced roof consisting of 2 bedrooms + administration room + 2 bathrooms (added to a previous orphanage) - 110 square meters

Remaining amount

91,689.00 AED

Collected amount

7,011.00 AED

1 donar is donating 1,000.00 AED
عن اموات المسلمين جميع

عن اموات المسلمين جميع

A mosque for 65 worshipers, with an area of ​​40 square meters, with a zinc roof, a concrete foundation, iron doors and windows, and 2 bathrooms + 3 lighting fixtures. Interior furnishings: mosque carpets + 1 loudspeaker + 4 lamps + 2 fans + 15 copies of the Holy Quran with shelves + solar energy + battery + electrical converter

Remaining amount

30,000.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

A well with a hand pump, deep (33-35 metres), life span (5 years), benefiting 20 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

1,560.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED