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فاعل خير

فاعل خير

Remaining amount

2,553.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

دار أيتام 48 يتيم

دار أيتام 48 يتيم

Remaining amount

242,098.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

Remaining amount

4,198.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

عائشة محمد عبيد

عائشة محمد عبيد

Remaining amount

908.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

بئر بمضخة يدوية

بئر بمضخة يدوية

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مدرسة 2 فصل بالسقف الزنكي

مدرسة 2 فصل بالسقف الزنكي

Remaining amount

214,540.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مستوصف 3 غرفة

مستوصف 3 غرفة

Remaining amount

45,548.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

مسجد 49 متر مربع

مسجد 49 متر مربع

Remaining amount

42,697.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED

فاعل خير

فاعل خير

Well with electric pump (15-20 metres) with manual water pump + electric water pump, life span 10-15 years, benefits one family

Remaining amount

2,553.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

دار أيتام 48 يتيم

دار أيتام 48 يتيم

An orphanage with a capacity of 48 orphans made of bricks with a reinforced roof that accommodates 48 orphans consisting of 4 bedrooms + administration room + 4 bathrooms, kitchen, warehouse, study room and guard room (independent building) 270 square meters

Remaining amount

242,098.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

بئر بمضخه يدويه

بئر بمضخه يدويه

A hand pump well with a depth of 6-12 meters, valid for 5 years, benefiting 250 people.

Remaining amount

4,198.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

عائشة محمد عبيد

عائشة محمد عبيد

A well with a hand pump, deep (10-15 metres), life span (3 years), benefiting 350 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

908.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

بئر بمضخة يدوية

بئر بمضخة يدوية

A well with a hand pump, deep (10-15 metres), life span (3 years), benefiting 350 beneficiaries.

Remaining amount

910.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مدرسة 2 فصل بالسقف الزنكي

مدرسة 2 فصل بالسقف الزنكي

A school consisting of 2 brick classrooms with a zinc roof, furnished, and 2 bathrooms, accommodates 70 students in an area of 98 square meters

Remaining amount

214,540.00 AED

Collected amount

0.00 AED

مستوصف 3 غرفة

مستوصف 3 غرفة

Dispensary consisting of 3 rooms of cement bricks with zinc roof, concrete foundation, iron doors and windows + 2 bathrooms + 4 beds + 1 desk + 4 chairs + 5 fans + 5 lamps - 70 sqm

Remaining amount

45,548.00 AED

Collected amount

2.00 AED

مسجد 49 متر مربع

مسجد 49 متر مربع

Mosque made of red bricks and white bricks with a tiled roof, a concrete foundation, wooden doors and windows + 2 speakers + carpets + 2 bathrooms + 2 faucets for ablution + 25 Qurans with a cupboard + 2 fans + 9 LED lights

Remaining amount

42,697.00 AED

Collected amount

3.00 AED