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Our Projects

A qualification course for handicrafts

A qualification course for handicrafts

“Qualifying 20 young people and teaching some of them manual jobs such as electricity and plumbing. An education course for manual works such as electricity, plumbing, and ceramic making... A teacher is taken for each art and gives lessons. After that, there is an application stage, and after completion, they are given a test and given certificates to give when needed.”




Training Courses

Donation amount

4,510.00 AED

Sewing Skills Training for Orphans and Students

Sewing Skills Training for Orphans and Students

"Sewing Science Skill Training for Orphans and Students The cost includes fees, transportation, number of trainees in each course: 40 individuals, duration of the course is 4 months, target group: orphans, students"




Training Courses

Donation amount

17,110.00 AED

Computer Science Skills Training for Orphans and Students

Computer Science Skills Training for Orphans and Students

"Computer Science Skills Training such as: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word The cost includes fees, purchasing the notebook, transportation, the number of trainees in each course is 40 individuals, the duration of the course is 3 months, the target group: orphans, students"




Training Courses

Donation amount

18,985.00 AED