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Our Projects

Organizing short workshops for people with disabilities

Organizing short workshops for people with disabilities

Organizing short workshops (5 days) to teach life skills such as using simple technology, time management, and social skills. These workshops can be available to people with mental or physical disabilities. - *Target groups*: People with disabilities from all categories. Trainers’ costs, transportation of trainees to the training center, snacks, and a symbolic prize




Training centers

Community awareness campaigns about people of determination

Community awareness campaigns about people of determination

"Community awareness campaigns through lectures and media activities to educate families and the community on how to support people with disabilities and integrate them into society. - *Target groups*: the general community, families, and employers. Cost of holding a 4-day awareness camp in one of the neighborhoods that house the target groups"




Training centers

Qualifying course

Qualifying course

A training course for 20 young people and teaching them manual work such as electricity and plumbing... through an intensive course in the association’s training center under the supervision of professors specialized in the field, holding a graduation ceremony and giving them certificates to present when needed.




Training centers

Special training for people with disabilities on wire mesh manufacturing

Special training for people with disabilities on wire mesh manufacturing

"This project aims to provide effective support to people with disabilities who are experiencing financial difficulties, by providing productive projects (wire mesh workshop), and specialized training programs. Training duration: One month with intensive training, allowing learners to acquire the necessary skills comprehensively, and assess their progress before moving on to the next stage. (1 electric mesh making machine, 2 manual mesh making machines, 3 cylinders for manual mesh making machine, 1 ton of galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm, 1 screwdriver wrench size 22, 1 screwdriver wrench size 19, 1 screwdriver wrench size 13, 5 wire cutting pliers, 4 3-meter-wide seating bench)"




Training centers

Special training for women with disabilities on sewing

Special training for women with disabilities on sewing

"هذا المشروع يهدف إلى تقديم الدعم الفعّال للأشخاص ذوي الهمة الذين يعانون من صعوبات مالية، من خلال توفير مشاريع منتجة (ورشة اللحام)، وبرامج تدريبية متخصصة. مدة التدريب: شهر بتقديم تدريب مكثف، مما يتيح للمتعلمين اكتساب المهارات اللازمة بشكل شامل، وتقييم تقدمهم قبل الانتقال إلى المرحلة التالية. ( 3 ماكينة تطريز، 6 ماكينة خياطة بالقدم، 3 ماكينة آلة التبديد، 4 ماكينة خياطة كهربائية، 6 ماكينة خياطة يدوية، 12 خيط الخياطة اليدوي، 24 خيط لماكينة الخياطة، 12 خيط خياطة كبير، 12 مقص، 12 ابرة حياكة، 12 ابرة يدوية، 10 ابرة ماكينة، 12 شائكة، 12 شريط مطاطي، 6 لفافة قماش، 12 علبة زيت الماكينة، قطع غيار عند الحاجة)"




Training centers

Equipping a training center

Equipping a training center

Purchasing 10 laptops to train school students and learners whose circumstances do not allow them to enroll in technical institutes, as well as equipping them with seats.




Training centers

Special training for people with disabilities on welding workshop

Special training for people with disabilities on welding workshop

"This project aims to provide effective support to people with disabilities who are experiencing financial difficulties, by providing productive projects (welding workshop), and specialized training programs. Training duration: one month by providing intensive training, allowing learners to acquire the necessary skills comprehensively, and assess their progress before moving on to the next stage. (4 small suction clamps, 2 angle grinders, 15 hand saws, 20 chamfer angle rulers, 4 portable welding machines, 2 iron tables (for work), 8 steel beam iron, 8 galvanized iron, 64 square steel pipes, 8 electric drills)"




Training centers

Sewing and embroidery center

Sewing and embroidery center

Building consisting of a large hall with an area of 45 square meters and two bathrooms with equipment. *It is equipped with 5 embroidery machines and 6 regular machines *The number of trainees is 20 people in each course. *The duration of the regular course is two months and the intensive course is one month, and certificates are provided to them upon completion...




Training centers